For temporary relief of tonsils swelling with inflammation and induration; glands hot, swollen, painful; scrofulous swelling; axillary glands swollen with soreness of the upper arm.
Echinacea 3X, Phytolacca 4X, Collinsonia 3X, 12X, Kali Iod 6X, Pinus Syl 6X, Pix Liquida 6X, Ferrum Phos 8X, Aesculus Hipp 12X, Baryta Carb 12X, Berber Vulg 12X, Bufo 14X, Calc Carb 12X, Calc Phos 12X, Causticum 12X, Hepar Sulph Calc 12X, Kreosotum 12X, Lycopodium 12X, Merc Solub 12X, Nat Mur 12X, Nitricum Ac 12X, Phos 12X, Pulsatilla 12X, Silicea 12X, Stellaria Med 12X, Sulphur 12X, Terebinthina 12X, Thuja Occ 12X
Indications: For temporary relief of tonsils swelling with inflammation and induration; glands hot, swollen, painful; scrofulous swelling; axilary glands swollen with soreness of the upper arm.
Suggested dosage: 10-15 drops 3x per day
97 in stock
For temporary relief of tonsils swelling with inflammation and induration; glands hot, swollen, painful; scrofulous swelling; axillary glands swollen with soreness of the upper arm.
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